My approach to architecture is simplicity wherever possible. Making sure every element of a system plays nicely with its neighbors, reducing duplicate effort, and utilizing existing resources is a path to fiscal security and reduced frustration.
*Note - I am currently working toward my TOGAF certification.
The Job Skills Repository is a database collection comprised of hundreds of skills and proficiency statements tagged to more than fifty jobs across a dozen different industires.
From the structure of proficiency levels to connect with learning resources and job tagging, I designed the Job Skills Repository from top to bottom. From the ground up, I illustrated and architected the repository in its entirety.
Identifying hundreds of skills across multiple industries and mapping to corresponding learning resources at the proficiency level, I built the repository from start to finish.
Starting out using Airtable as a database service, then later assisting in the migration to a Directus back-end, the Job Skills Library came to serve as the data source for what is currently CONNECT, a live Talent Matching and Upskilling platform.